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Best-in-class posters, signs, brochures, and more!
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have enjoyed Legals & Fitzgerald products to-date
offering Legals & Fitzgerald products to consumers
Average customer rating out of 5 stars on our products
All of our products sell to retail for half of the MSRP's at most, net of incentives. You will double your money on all of our products at a minimum.
All of our products are cannabis or cannabis-derived, but because they contain less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC by dry weight, they are legally considered 'hemp'. Still, our products contain substantial levels of total THC and thus offer consumers virtually the same effects as the 'real thing'.
All of our products are Delta-9 compliant -- they contain less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC by dry weight. Still, they can all make consumers feel high (some more than others), and the enjoyment of any can cause a consumer to fail a drug test.
In accordance with FDA guidance, we make no claims about any potential health impacts of our products. Consult a licensed physician.
There are no federal laws restricting the age a consumer must be to purchase or have our products. Some states & localities do have age restrictions. Our retail trade agreement requires that you do not sell to anyone under 18 years of age, or 21 years of age if state or local laws require it.